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订 ding

Home Pinyin ding

订单 dìngdān order; orders

订购 dìnggòu order; ordering

订户 dìnghù subscriber

订婚 dìnghūn betrothal; engagement; engagements; got engaged

订票 dìng piào booking

订阅 dìngyuè subscribe; subscribed; subscribes; subscribing; subscription; subscriptions

订正 dìngzhèng revised

拟订 nǐdìng elaboration

签订 qiāndìng sign

修订 xiūdìng amends

预订 yùdìng booked; booking; bookings

制订 zhìdìng formulate; formulating

装订 zhuāngdìng bookbinding; stapling

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce